viernes, 11 de octubre de 2019

Bucket list

Hi hii,

Fiiirrrsstt of alll, if I write my bucket list before of die, probably I write activities extravagant becouse the idea that I do all of my list is so... far. But, in this blog I will do it more realistic:

In my bucket list, one of the things that yes or yes I will do, is travel to different place and countrys. Obviously I need money, and for that I will thought take a break of my job and travel (I want it, I get it). Mooree realistic, other of my dreams, I will be eat all the flavors of ice cream in the world. I will practice extreme sports that I want and maybe I will practice a extreme sports when I eat the best ice cream of the world, I don't know. 

In this moment, one of the first things I want it, is complete my career, I will have money and pay to my family all the needs we will have. Before of die, I will have a house, maybe a little house, whit two rooms, and maybe two bathrooms (why not?) I will can receive visits and go out whit my friends. I dont need so much, so in my bucket list. 

If I have a possibility to travel to any place, maybe I travel whit my friends of the home (residence) that I currently live. I love this people like a family and obviously I want to spend my time whit them.


jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2019

favorite book

Hi hii!

Actually I remember all of the books that I was read in the middle school. This because all the book I read in this times, was a good memories and education for me. The name of my favorite book is: ''Mi planta naranja lima''. Actually I don't remember what about that book, but I remember: I love it. This books was very weird, because the kid talk whit your plant and their plant talk whit him. All of I can remember of that book is that their been whit me all of the high school. I will read this book again at some moment.

Despite that I have a favorite book, my favorite author is Julio Cortazar. Maybe you have noticed that I love entire what give me a good memories of my past. When I was a little baby, I was have a obsession whit Julio Cortazar, I remember that the first story I read of this author effected in my sense of reality, I mean my head was turning because he play whit the reality (my favorite story for excellence of Julio Cortazar is Axolotl, I love it and is so short and quick to read).

Actually I recomend read any book you want. Always I means that read a book is somewhat staff. If you want read a book that I read, is be because you like thas book or you are interested. I dont be a someone to recomend somethink jiji, thats all, (but if you want read a short story, you can read any book of Julio Cortazar, ohyes).

byee byeee

viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2019

My favorite tv series (ohyesss)

Hi, in this post I'm going to talk about my favorite tv series. I feel I can't have a favorite movie, or tv serie, or anything, but I wanna do my best effort.

For the moment my favorite tv series is Euphoria, this serie was accompanied me all of my winter vacations. In this time I was travelled to Copiapo. Between us, my uncle is so boring, he work all the day. I don't know Copiapo so much, so I dont get out much of this house in vacations and... This is a reason because I'v seen Euphoria twice ( I'm really obsessed whit this)

I think, for you to like a series or movie or anything, you need been a moment in your life that you feel the emosions of what you see. Euphoria, was a good series for me, because in this moment and now I feel the emosions of the protagonist like this emosions were mine. I felt the dependency relationship of the protagonist toward their ''friend'' and their conflicts, and I love so much how the series present the addiction and other problems or topics like homosexuality ( I love it everything related to homosexuality, sorrys). Is a diverse series and this is so good, I think.

I recommend (like people of my generation) this tv series because I love it and in my opinnion, is so interesting, I mean, never stoped to interest me and get excited.

So... Go to see jiji.

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019


ok... hi,

Firts of all, the holiday for me has a hard day's when I don't see the beach. I think the best holidays I was have, is a summer in Iquique... Cavancha beach, espesifically. I was going for a swim every day, I wake up in the morning, eat a breakfast and go to the beach. I remember see my mom in the afternoon, when she say me: ''Hey, your household chores'', and I was have everything clean in the morning. This is my motivation in this times.

I was going whit my childhood friend to the beach and smoke and eat churros everyday. Ever a little time before to go whit other friends, becouse in Iquique all the people go to Cavancha like if the beach was a only landscape in the city (and I love it).

This holiday was a best summer that I remember, becouse I love swiming and feel the sun in my face more than anything, and go everyday, was a only privilege that I love. I was smoke a lot becouse I was have a job months earlier, and have money.

Even I have a sunburns in my face (I dont use sunscreen), but is a lovely sunsburns, becouse more than remember me this summer, is funny, is a mark in my nose and my face for my optical lenses.

She was live in Santiago when I was live in Iquique, she was a best woman that I know and make me feel so good have memories whit her, so... this is my best holiday.

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2019

If I travel to other country...

Hi to someone,

Imagine I'm not poor, and I have any time, I would visit Brazil becouse, for me is so interesting. The culture and carnivals, and especially the people, at least like the television they sample.

In reallity, when I was a little babe, I will always imagined drive to different contrys, especially to Europe, but this is becouse I dont know the most great is the culture and costume in Latinoamerica. I know that I grew under the influence to the television, among other things, and when I open my eyes, and Brazil was a country where I can have any experience. I think, I dont know a lot of Brazil, but this is interesting, so why not?

When I'll travel to Brazil, I would to visit the different sectors of the city's. My intention is know the country and it's people, beyond of the publicity or tourism say.

I'm not sure, what I'll in Brazil, if stay to study, work or live, but I don't know portuguese, so maybe if I'll travel to Brazil, maybe just to be a visit.

I can a Hardly able learn english, so... portuguese, not now.

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2019

Practise post

Hi... Ok, we all know of segurity information on websites, but not all belive in this, or how dangerous this can be. I was part of this innocence, but when I see the documental of personal information and how this is utilised for manipulate for their own purposes (like comercial interests). I Don't know what belive.

In my opinion, in some other form they know your information, but why not limit this theft? I used many socials media, particulary youtube, and I know when I create an account, I lose the control. Because I was just a babe, and... petsocity, and other apps in facebook or youtube or tumblr, look very attractive as ignore that.

Until now, the only personal information that I regret to post is a photos in facebook and create account when I was a stupid babe. 

From bad to worse.

Bucket list

Hi hii, Fiiirrrsstt of alll, if I write my bucket list before of die, probably I write activities extravagant becouse the idea that I...